I will strongly recommend if you are doing it for the first time, choose the first one which will give you 2 concurrent devices to start with. It will show number of official OpenVPN marketplace AMIs which are different in the number of connected devices.The EC2 launch wizard will be shown, where click on AWS Marketplace on left.Select EC2 service and click on Launch to spin up a new instance.Login to your AWS Console and go to the region you want yout OpenVPN instance to be in.Let's get started! Step 1 - Spinning up the EC2 server : We will be also dealing with the common problem of untrusted SSL certificate error and install a free CertBot SSL to make your OpenVPN server full proof.

Setting up OpenVPN can be tricky specially when you do not know the sequence of steps and some little tricks. Services like OpenVPN use marketplace AMIs to provide their pre-baked instances which are ready to use.īut wait. OR you can choose from pre-baked marketplace AMIs. When you spin up an EC2 instance on AWS, you can either choose from vanilla instance AMIs like basic centos or ubuntu 16.x etc. Remember, OpenVPN service is not free, but it's cost is very affordable and reasonable for a personal as well as corporate setup! Overview of AWS setup :

My most favorite use of OpenVPN is to use it as SSH whitelisting, so you can SSH to your server instances only when you are connected to a certain VPN. You can use this in number of ways like hiding your internet identity, remote access to company, inside IoT security and many more. OpenVPN is a commercial VPN solutions service to secure your data communications.