Does anyone know how to do this? If there were an excel function that could convert dates (serial date numbers, I suppose) to actual text string dates (not just for display, but to actually convert the number to a string) then I suppose I could convert the "VisitDate" column to such text string dates before concatenating and. I need for that '37460' to be seen a a date in the final column. Excel reads the computer's system clock to keep track of the amount of time that has elapsed since the date system's start date. The serial number is calculated either manually or as a result of formulas involving date calculations. So, from the examples listed above, instead of a column containing the string "A04100108 06 " I get a column containing the string "A04100108 06 37460". The serial number, or serial date, is the number Excel uses to calculate dates and times entered into a worksheet. Returns a datetime whose date and time are the number of milliseconds, msecs. This does the job *except* for the fact that the 'VisitDate' is now displayed as a serial date number '37460', since the concatenate() function takes the original date format and converts it to a text string (which, for dates in excel means the serial date number). QDateTime(const QDate &date, const QTime &time, Qt::TimeSpec spec, int.

I'm using the following formula in Sheet2: The columns are PatientID (such as A04100108), VisitNumber (such as 06), and VisitDate (such as ). In an excel workbook (in excel 2002), I need to conatinate three columns from an excel one worksheet (Sheet1) into one column in another worksheet (Sheet2).