Carnal but without useful flesh or mind." We are overfed and under.undernourished, yearning for something more Never starving yet never quite satisfied. But it's evident that these guys find that this is ludicrous and that there is an ache for something beyond just consuming and the difference is that they aren't headed but they intersect and in the places where they are parellel its hard but they are subject to something that lives beyond just today, tomorrow, next month, or next year, but they have to think about years down the road, and perhaps eternity because they are essentially different and they want others to see that. Wanting more of all that we consume but because we simply live in a place that tells us to consume cause there is nothing beyond this point we do. We do not practice any level of restraint but give in and in the end we find ourselves wanting. When we attempt to gratify oursevelves we practice an unsustainable model.

we are all facing in the same direction headed the same way but on two different paths as parallel lines rarely if ever touch. General CommentThis song is definitely a powerfully and deeply poetic song but seems to be yet fairly simple. It seems that no matter how much we get (Information, wealth, fame) we always want more and never seem to appreciate how much we already have. That which i just explained, but also greed, like nagstar89 pointed out. The better way, is if we let go of our selfish greed old ways and help out each other more.īut when reading through and listening to the lyrics, it seems to tell 2 different storys. We like our lifes in Parallels to each other, we do things the same, but we will not always be the same as anyone else. No matter what you do, you can change a person physically to look just like the others, or to be set apart to be looked up at (As shown in the video with the birds head on the body), but you cant change that persons thoughts about what they want. To follow the chain and lead a life like the guy infront of you inline. To me, alongside looking at the video, its saying about how were all born, raised, taught, and sent out into the world to be just like others. Im not religious myself so flame me all you want but im not changing, i like the way i am. General CommentIncredible song, no other way to really describe it. we are not the same.Īnd in the parallels we struggle to upkeep, It’s clear the only lines between the ones we preserve. In the tension between devouring want or simple need struggle to upkeep, there is a better way for us to be set free.įrom all it is we crave, there must be more to life than to simply stay alive. I am a walking contradiction that’s found consistencyĬonsuming everything, all without producing sustenance. Never starving yet never quite satisfied. We are overfed and under.undernourished, yearning for something more.